Admin Training @ GCC 2022: Online Training Day
Free, global, training day ahead of the Galaxy Community Conference 2022. This day is meant to get you up to speed with the basics, so that you can get the most out of the training sessions at the GCC2022 conference!
Practical Information
- Dates
- 8 July 2022
- Location:
- Online
- Cost:
- Free
- Format:
- Asynchronous (no live sessions, pre-recorded videos, support via Slack, YOU decide your schedule)
- Supporting Institutions:
- JetStream2, The Gallantries Project, Erasmus Medical Center, ELIXIR Europe, The Galaxy Training Network
- Contact:
- Helena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann
- Registration
- Register Now!
Below you will find all the tutorials for this course, everything you need to follow this course is listed here.Welcome & Setup (Start Here!)
Practical information about this course and getting everything set up to follow this course.

The Format
This is an asynchronous event. This means there are no live sessions but we provide videos and training manuals for you to work through at your own pace, and at your own convenience.
If you get stuck or want to discuss any of the aspects of the training, there are instructors available on Slack chat to guide you.

The Program
The program can be found on this page. Click on a session to expand it, and find the video, as well as all the infomation you need for the session listed below it.
Since the training materials are updated frequently, the video may be using a slightly older version of the tutorial. Below the video you will find links to both the latest version of the tutorial, and the version used in the video.

All videos are on YouTube, and have captions (subtitles).
Use Gear icon on video to set:
- Subtitles in English
- Playback speed
- Quality (e.g. for bad internet connections)

Support on Slack
Here you can ask all your questions! New to Slack? Here are some tips & tricks for using the GTN Slack
- Channel per tutorial (link under each video)
- #announcements: important course information (only instructors can post)
- #social: talk with each other and instructors!
- #general: any general questions
- #random: for anything not related to the course

Tip: Galaxy Tutorial Mode
Access GTN via the Graduation cap icon (top menu) inside Galaxy, to:
- Access all GTN tutorials directly within Galaxy
- Jump back and forth between Galaxy and the tutorial
- Great for small screens!
- Click on tool name in tutorial to quickly open it in Galaxy

Tip: Check supporting Galaxies
Most tutorials are supported by the 3 big Galaxies (EU, AUS, US)
Always check in the overview before starting a tutorial!
You can make accounts on multiple Galaxies (but max 1 account per server)

Join Slack Chat!
Slack is where you can ask all your questions
- Join Slack: Invite link
- Join Channel: #event-gat (and say Hi!)
You will find different channels here, one for each training session where you can ask your questions, as well as some more general channels for socializing, general discussions, feedback and more.
See our Slack Tips & Tricks page for some more info about Slack and how we use it.
GalaxyProject Code of Conduct
We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for all,
and expect our code of conduct to be honored.
Please read the Code of Conduct and adhere to it throughout this event.
If you witness any violations of this code of conduct, please report it to us.
Read the full Code of Conduct
Come say Hi in Slack! Let us know you are joining today and are getting started!

Introduce yourself and tell us one fun fact about yourself!
Post your answers in #event-gat on Slack!
Please feel free to respond to each other here, this channel is for socializing and getting to know each other! :)
Attending the Admin Training session at GCC? Do you run a Galaxy server or would you like to learn how to do so? This module will help you get up to speed with everything you need to know to get the most out of the Admin Training sessions at the conference.

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Organiser Information
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