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Events Supported

Galaxy Admin Training @ GTN Tapas 14-18 March 2022
Admin Training @ GCC 2022: Online Training Day 8 July 2022
Spanscriptomics: Análisis de células únicas con Galaxy 29-30 November 2021

Videos Recorded

Helena Rasche has recorded 6.25 hours of videos, truly amazing!

Galaxy Installation with Ansible 01 March 2022 2H50M
Galaxy Installation with Ansible 15 February 2021 53M
Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster 15 February 2021 31M
Mapping Jobs to Destinations using TPV 15 February 2021 31M
admin/job-metrics 15 February 2021 6M
Use Apptainer containers for running Galaxy jobs 15 February 2021 16M
Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS) 15 February 2021 24M
Performant Uploads with TUS 11 March 2022 7M
admin/week-overview-slides 15 February 2021 4M
admin/welcome 15 February 2021 4M
course/welcome-admin 15 February 2021 9M
course/welcome-gcc2021 15 February 2021 15M
course/welcome-smorg2022 10 March 2022 15M
course/welcome-smorg2023 16 May 2023 15M
galaxy-interface/interactive-tools 07 July 2022 15M
Visualisation with Circos 15 February 2021 6M
Visualisation with Circos 15 February 2021 50M

Captions Corrected

Helena Rasche has corrected 13.95 hours of captions, incredible work!

Galaxy Installation with Ansible 01 March 2022 2H50M
Galaxy Installation with Ansible 28 June 2021 2H47M
Galaxy Installation with Ansible 15 February 2021 53M
Data Libraries 15 February 2021 22M
Galaxy Interactive Tools 15 February 2021 44M
Galaxy Monitoring with Telegraf and Grafana 15 February 2021 73M
Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar 28 June 2021 1H28M
Use Apptainer containers for running Galaxy jobs 15 February 2021 16M
Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS) 15 February 2021 24M
Performant Uploads with TUS 11 March 2022 7M
Upgrading Galaxy 15 February 2021 36M
admin/welcome 15 February 2021 4M
An Introduction to Genome Assembly 15 February 2021 25M
course/welcome-admin 15 February 2021 9M
course/welcome-gcc2021 15 February 2021 15M
galaxy-interface/upload-to-ena 09 August 2021 10M
microbiome/clinical-applications 15 February 2021 30M
sars-cov2/usegalaxy-star-bot 09 August 2021 40M
Quality Control 15 February 2021 40M
Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis 15 February 2021 2H30M
RNA Seq Counts to Viz in R 15 February 2021 30M
Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data 09 August 2021 1H30M
M. tuberculosis Variant Analysis 15 February 2021 40M
Visualisation with Circos 15 February 2021 50M
webinar/tooldevs 26 May 2021 59M