Module: Bioconductor R analyses
These are a collection of Bioconductor tutorials, ranging from an introduction to R and Bioconductor, to showing how to perform more complex analyses of biological data using Bioconductor R packages.
During Smorgasbord week May 22-26 2023
- you will be able to run these tutorials in a personal RStudio instance launched in Galaxy, that has all necessary packages pre-installed. Go to
- the instructors of these tutorials have kindly volunteered to answer questions in GTN Training Slack
- you can submit your Rhistory for a tutorial for your Smorgabord certificate in this form.
Organisers: Maria Doyle, Alex Mahmoud, Bioconductor Teaching Committee
Register: See registration information here
Demo Video
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
Bioconductor Carpentries lessons
Introduction to data analysis with R and Bioconductor

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
The Bioconductor project

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
Bioconductor workshops
Tutorial Video
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
Tutorial Video
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
Tutorial Video
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
Tutorial Video
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
SpatialOmicsOverlay Workshop

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
Bioconductor workflows
RNA-seq analysis is easy as 1-2-3 with limma, Glimma and edgeR

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
From reads to genes to pathways: differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq experiments using Rsubread and the edgeR quasi-likelihood pipeline

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
Using singscore to predict mutations in AML from transcriptomic signatures

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
fluentGenomics: A plyranges and tximeta workflow

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
MungeSumstats: Standardise the format of GWAS summary statistics

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.
R for Mass Spectrometry

This is a self-study session. Please work through the materials on your own, and ask the instructors for help if you get stuck or have any questions!
Go to the
video page to see all versions.